Super Bowl Retrospective

I created this blog three years ago on Super Bowl Sunday with hope that the blog could provide opportunities to comment on football and any number of other things I felt moved to discuss.  That, and Holly wasn’t home so I didn’t have anyone to talk when the game got out of hand.

I wrote in that very first entry that many of the sign-posts of my life are measured by football games.  I recalled the two Super Bowls I did not see in their entirety – the Broncos vs. Packers Super Bowl in which I had to listen to the second half on the radio as we drove home from Atlantic to Norwalk, and the Saints vs. Colts Super Bowl that Holly and I missed because DirecTV didn’t supply local channels in the middle-of-nowhere Kansas.  I remembered precisely where I was when Janet Jackson showed the world her boob, and so on.

Now, three years later, I am using this Super Bowl as another sign-post, and an opportunity to reflect on the last three years.  In three years, the blog has had strikingly brief moments of lucidity most commonly seen in posts about Doggie, and despairingly long stretches of inactivity.  The blog itself has changed from its original intent.  I now rarely write about football, choosing instead to simply entertain myself and Holly, the only other person who reads what I write – mostly out of a sense of resigned obligation and pity.  In fact, the title, “Blitz the House,” is now totally outdated, especially since the content rarely relates, but thus far I can’t be bothered to make a change.

I suppose the changes in the blog in some way reflect the significant change I have had since that abysmal Super Bowl three years ago (the Seahawks crushed the Broncos you may recall).  We got married.  We moved to Iowa (we watched our first Super Bowl in Iowa in the midst of a blizzard – thanks Joe and Jessie for braving the storm and keeping us company).  We both started new jobs.  We built a house.  We didn’t have internet for six months.  (Those last four are largely responsible for the longest stretch of blog inactivity).  We have moved past milestones with barely a moment to consider what we’ve done and the good fortune we’ve found along the way.

So perhaps I’m feeling reflective because another Super Bowl sign-post is upon us, the first one in our new home.  But more than that, in a world that moves at an ever-quickening pace, that is constantly demanding attention, even when I want to focus elsewhere; in a world where I can’t watch the news, read the paper, or even open Facebook without feeling some level of frustration and anger, I want to use this Super Bowl to remember the following…

I get to enjoy this day, Super Bowl Sunday, with my wife whom I love very much, in a house that was a long time in the making and worth every second of time invested, watching the championship game of a sport that I love on a television that’s bigger than the one I watched it on last year, while eating delicious Buffalo Chicken Dip.  Life is good.


Misguided Dating Advice…

